Frequently Asked Questions

What is photoSana?

photoSana is a science-based program integrating narrative crafting, practical, enjoyable and easy-to-do exercises, and creative expression into various environments, including corporate settings, nonprofits, government institutions, and individual contexts. It promotes self-discovery and holistic development through photography, words, and narrative artistry, suitable for a wide range of participants.

What are the benefits of photoSana for corporations and companies?

Investing in photoSana offers substantial returns for corporations. Studies show that workplace wellness programs can enhance productivity, reduce absenteeism, and lower healthcare costs, yielding a return of $2 to $4 for every dollar invested. ​​Global Wellness Institute Wellness Magazine photoSana fosters creativity, emotional health, and holistic development, promoting healthier lifestyles and mental well-being. This results in a positive and productive work environment and tangible financial benefits, making photoSana a strategic investment that supports both employee well-being and corporate objectives. Additional benefits include:

- Employee Engagement: Increasing engagement and satisfaction.
- Productivity Boost: Improving performance.
- Innovation: Fostering creativity and innovation.
- Workplace Wellness: Integrating wellness into the corporate culture.
- Mental Health: Supporting emotional well-being.
- Team Cohesion: Enhancing teamwork and collaboration.
- Leadership Development: Developing leadership skills through creative expression.
- Resilience: Building resilience and adaptability.
- Talent Retention: Attracting and retaining top talent.
- Corporate Culture: Promoting a positive corporate culture.
- Cost Savings: Reducing healthcare and absenteeism costs.
- Competitive Advantage: Gaining an edge through innovative wellness programs.

Do I - or our employees or members - need to be photographers, artists, or particularly 'creative' to participate?

No, you do not. photoSana emphasizes the process over the final product. Our structured methodologies are designed to uncover and enhance purpose, connection, and meaning in both professional and personal contexts. We believe that every individual possesses inherent creativity, whether it has been previously recognized or not. photoSana aims to awaken and nurture this creativity in all participants.

Can I use smartphones or tablets? What type of camera is recommended?

Yes, participants can use smartphones or tablets. Any digital device capable of capturing images, including smartphones, tablets, and cameras, is suitable for photoSana. The focus is on accessibility and ease of use for everyone, whether part of an organization or participating independently.

Is photoSana entirely online?

Yes, photoSana is entirely online, conducted via email or phone sessions with media transfers through Dropbox. It is accessible to anyone with an internet-connected device.

What do I need before I start my photoSana?

- A camera (smartphone, tablet, digital camera, etc.)
- A account - you can get a free account at

Is the photoSana process confidential?

Yes, the photoSana process is entirely confidential. Due to the program's depth and nature, maintaining privacy is a top priority. Both parties will agree to confidentiality terms before starting the photoSana program.

Is there an ideal age to be a photoSana participant?

photoSana is for anyone who can snap an image on their phone or camera and write a few words on paper or a screen. It is for all ages. We all have different goals, challenges, and areas to work through at different times. photoSana is a customized process, so the best-suited and perfect photoSana will be available at this stage in your life. (Please note: Children under 18 need their parent or guardian's consent to participate in photoSana.)

How did the name photoSana originate?

‘photo’ is an abbreviation of ‘photography’. ‘Sana’ is Latin for healing or health, so photoSana is ‘photography healing’. ‘Sana’ is also a name of Eastern origin, and it means ‘brightness, radiance, or greatness’.

Can you design and build custom and unique industry, sector, and needs-specific photoSana processes for my organization?

Certainly, we are equipped to collaborate with you, understand your unique needs, and craft a bespoke photoSana experience for your team. This customizable approach ensures that the program aligns with your company’s strategic goals and addresses specific industry challenges.

What qualifications and approach do you bring to photoSana?

With extensive experience as a photographer, author, filmmaker, fine artist, and director, my career is deeply rooted in storytelling and creative expression. photoSana integrates these diverse skills into the corporate environment, offering a blend of visual and narrative artistry that fosters self-discovery and holistic development. This collective approach leverages the power of art to stimulate innovation and support strategic goals.

Why was photoSana conceived?

photoSana's inception was more organic than strategic. My professional journey over the decades led me to recognize the profound impact of nurturing creativity. Witnessing individuals from diverse walks of life discover their inherent creative prowess and its subsequent positive ramifications on their mental well-being was my inspiration. photoSana endeavors to foster creative and emotional health, culminating in overall personal and professional enrichment.

Is photoSana a cure-all?

While not a magical cure, organizations and individuals who immerse themselves in the photoSana journey invariably report enhanced purpose, confidence, connectivity, joy, and satisfaction in their professional and personal spheres.

What is the photoSana fee?

For the latest information on fees, including discount offers and details on our products and services, please see the photoSana Guide.